Graduated from Billy Blue in 2019 and freelancing or working in-house ever since. Gravitating to creators, individuals, and businesses driven to make a positive impact, big or small.
Graduated from Billy Blue College of Design in 2019, freelancing or working in-house ever since. I am always gravitating to creators and individuals looking to make a positive impact, big or small.
From years of venturing as a solo designer, thinking on my feet, learning anything that would solve the problem at hand, and developing my own systems to bring projects to fruition—my goal now is to join, contribute to, and learn from a greater design team that utilises design as a key driver for business success.
        Bouldering, gaming, cars, film, animation, VFX, philosophy, psychology, and 3-hour YT lore videos.
Problems, boulders, games, cars, film, animation, & 00s/90s nostalgia.
ACT 1: Start ‘em young
I started using Photoshop CS2 when I was 10 years old with a cracked version (gasp) in my brothers computer. After playing around for fun, I found myself making banner graphics for forum users in a CS 1.6 gaming forum. Creating a request thread offering free designs, each with unique cut-out characters, typography (my #1 was Century Gothic), and effects that were self-taught from tutorials online.
ACT 2: What is Art?
In Year 12, for my Visual Arts major, I created 2 digital art pieces (3 canvas’ each) - the first, a psychedelic collage composite series illustrating “Man and Mother Nature’s creations”, and then a mixed-media composite self-portrait series depicting the “Machination of Man”. The second piece was made since my teachers rejected the first piece as the medium did not suffice, in comparison to other students' paintings and sculptures. From there, I lost all desire to pursue digital art and design.
ACT 3: A forgotten love
Having left design behind not knowing there were careers in it. After high school, I pursued musical theatre and acting for a short time. A creative at the core, but needing to be of service for others, I withdrew my enrolment to a theatre school in the USA and tried my hand at engineering and mechanics (trade). After a few mishaps here and there, and I looked around and wondered - what was I missing? I remembered the days of Photoshop and discovered design as a discipline.
Learnings over the years
Design As Play
If there is no sense of play or joy within the
process, there is no delight in the output.
Every dollar counts, and so designs must
be informed and goal-oriented.
Better is ahead
Anything we create or are in the present,
will improve in time with intention.
Function, then Form
It must work as we need it to, in order
to then be presented beautifully.
Good Over Gains
Lead with your message and ideal, and
then rationalize viabilities towards it.
Not So Silly Hats
Take on the hats and opportunities as
needed, whatever it takes to solve the problem.
Learnings over the years
Learnings over the years
Design As Play
If there is no sense of play or joy within the process, there is no delight in the output.
Every dollar counts, and so designs must be informed and goal-oriented.
Better is ahead
Anything we create or are in the present, will improve in time with intention.
Function, then Form
It must work as we need it to, in order to then be presented beautifully.
Good Over Gains
Lead with your message and ideal, then rationalize viabilities towards it.
Not So Silly Hats
Take on the hats and opportunities as needed, whatever it takes to solve the problem.